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Marnie Pérez Moliere

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Competition Guidelines
Tren Urbano: Estación Piñero
About the Area
The Tren Urbano is a new star in our urban landscape. With time, we shall become aware of its revolutionary presence, and change our conventional image of the city by gazing at it from the train cars. A different city, at once fantastic and ordinary, will reveal itself to the train's passengers. Moreover, the Tren Urbano is a place, like the communities traversed by it. Passengers will use the train as an entry and exit point into daily life. To those who live in its vicinity it is a claimable landmark. Art proposed for this site must reconcile local character with the overall metropolitan scope of the route. Given the technical uniqueness of each station, proposed works should be limited to the sites specifically identified, which were selected after a thorough analysis of the operation.  

Technical description:
Viandante ( Passerby )
Exterior   mural - Piñero Station
1/8 thick aluminum sheets

The spatial layout of the train stations is constantly changing, undergoing alterations, renewals and reorganizations.   This station will be a very important landmark in the midst of several main thoroughfares in the metropolitan area, since it is surrounded by business, residential and commercial nuclei that generate an intensive movement of persons. New residents with new stories, needs and demands will emerge, transforming the area's social and urban fabric.

The station's space will become meaningful thanks to its users. New activities will be generated around it. It will be a place for meetings and encounters, for expressions, observation or recreation. Thus, a space with apparently a single function   - the entry and exit of passengers- will take on constantly changing social, aesthetic, political and economic meanings, as users reorganize and reinterpret it.

It should be possible for the user to identify with the location, to feel him or herself a part of it. The images of the exterior   mural of this station represent the persons who will pass through the site. The masses that will fill the station in the mornings and afternoons: youngsters going to school, residents returning to their neighborhood after a day's work. In short, the mural will highlight the most important element of this site, the user. The passerby who comes and goes, leaving his or her footsteps, lending meaning, energy and life to the place.
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