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"El jardín del sol" 
  El jardín del sol
(Garden of the Sun)
Aarón Salabarrías

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Site: Rincón

Various beaches of our coast are favored by these brave athletes. Although they seem to conquer the sea by riding on the crests of waves, the reign of surfers is short-lived. This does not discourage them. They know that one wave is followed by another. Balance, speed and surf are the context of this coastal ritual.

About the Area
We deliberately tailored this category to the subject, not the setting, leaving the artist free to choose a site for his or her work. Instead of celebrating the deeds of sports celebrities, the purpose is to highlight individual sports and their anonymous practitioners, common people who play for pleasure and to celebrate the body. Each sport imposes its rules on the body, and on space. These are key elements for artistic intervention. Moreover, culture assigns meanings to each sport, generating light identity discourses that become increasingly formal with time.

Technical description:
Resin and stainless-steel

The surfer pretends to conquer each approaching wave. One after the other, to the point of physical exhaustion. While waiting for a good wave, the enthusiasts of this sport and their followers rest along the shore. Many do not practice the sport, although they are passionate observers.

The work consists of three flowers, with their five petals imitating surfing boards on which visitors may sit or sun-tan. This piece was created with the intention of providing visitors and sports lovers the opportunity to interact with a visual element that evokes the primeval play instinct.

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