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"Con las Cotorras" 
  Con las Cotorras
(With the Parrots)
Nathan Budoff

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Competition Guidelines
Tren Urbano: Martínez Nadal Station
About the Area
The Tren Urbano is a new star in our urban landscape. With time, we shall become aware of its revolutionary presence, and change our conventional image of the city by gazing at it from the train cars. A different city, at once fantastic and ordinary, will reveal itself to the train's passengers. Moreover, the Tren Urbano is a place, like the communities traversed by it. Passengers will use the train as an entry and exit point into daily life. To those who live in its vicinity it is a claimable landmark. Art proposed for this site must reconcile local character with the overall metropolitan scope of the route. Given the technical uniqueness of each station, proposed works should be limited to the sites specifically identified, which were selected after a thorough analysis of the operation.  

Artist: Nathan Budoff
Title: Con las cotorras ( With the Parrots )
Site: Martínez Nadal Station, Tren Urbano
Dimensions: 1,440 sq. ft. (42 ft. and 10 in. in diameter)
Materials: Cristal mosaic

This ceiling mosaic at the Martínez Nadal Station of the Tren Urbano, consists of   vividly-colored Byzantine mosaics. In its rendering of an open sky, where our gaze and our imagination are free to wander, the piece reminds us of a Renaissance dome. In addition to its bright colors, the work's dramatic feature consists of a briefcase carrying man, dressed in a suit, who seems to have departed on a journey to the sky, accompanied by a flock of parrots.

Through its Caribbean iconography, With the Parrots places the spectator before a pseudo-paradisiacal spectacle, reuniting in a single space Modern man on the way to work and a tropical forest scenery. The piece invites us literally to travel through it, elaborating a metaphor between the journey by train and the journey that this man proposes: getting lost in the sky and blending with it.

According to the artist, Nathan Budoff: "The mosaic is a garden of sorts, that relaxes the eyes and eases the stress of the day; a pause in the everyday hustle and bustle; the notion that taking the train is somehow similar to flying with parrots."


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