March 2004
Public Art: Revitalizing
Our Everyday Surroundings
The Puerto Rico Public Art Project, a program of the Department of
Transportation and Public Works, Urbanism Directorate, recently launched
the English version of its Web site Public Art: Tangential Spaces ,
an impressive showcase of close to 100 public art works made possible
by an investment of approximately twenty-five million dollars. Here
you will access information about the evolution of the projects, participating
artists and related subjects.
The Puerto Rico Public Art Project will
generate a varied selection of works by local and foreign artists,
turning the island into a live museum, and endowing it with an impressive
public art collection. In this site, you will see works under construction.
You will also find "Tangential
Spaces", a cover section of essays devoted to art, the city, and intervention
in public spaces. Moreover, you will be able to access the official competition
announcement, information about the members of the jury, and a location
map of the works.
Let us keep you posted! Subscribe to our newsletter and receive updates about
works in progress. Periodically, you will be informed about changes and the availability
of web site sections.
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A message from the Governor
of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Honorable Sila María
Calderón, upon the inauguration of the Puerto Rico Public
Art Project Web site
I am pleased to present to the Puerto Rican people the Web site of
the Puerto Rico Public Art Project. This initiative gives continuity
to a program that began when I was mayor of San Juan, and that, due
to its success there, I have extended to the entire Island.
The Public
Art Project, will endow the country with a valuable art collection,
highlighting and enriching its open spaces and the everyday life of
the people, by means of the beautification and rehabilitation of towns
and cities. With an investment of $25 million for the production of
nearly 100 works, Puerto Rico will be the setting of a rich sample
of contemporary art.
In this site, you will find information about the
progress of the project, and the transformation of urban centers, recreational
spaces, and sites of historic and cultural value. We hope that it will encourage
local and international tourists to visit the island and enjoy the beauty of
our towns and cities.

A message from Doctor Fernando
Fagundo, Secretary of the Department of Transportation and Public
The Puerto Rico Public Art Project is an unprecedented effort in its
acknowledgement of the unique social value of our public spaces and
the essential importance of art for a people.
The development of artistic
activity, in addition to requiring the strengthening of educational
programs, demands that the Government facilitate the implementation
of forums and workshops such as this one, where artists may express
their ideas about reality through their creations.
The Puerto Rico Public Art Project has been greeted with
enthusiasm by artists, critics and others; to the extent, that our island will
be the setting of approximately one hundred works
This project provides a great opportunity for our artists,
and, furthermore, an instrument for citizens to make a vital connection between
the artist and his or her work.
Through these pages you may access our great,
common living room: our public spaces.
A message from Architect
Diana Luna, Executive Director, Directorate of Urbanism
Welcome to the Internet portal of the Puerto Rico Public Art Project
(PRPAP). In this interactive site you will find updated information
about the installation of selected works, about the artists, and many
other interesting anecdotes.
The Public Art Project is an unprecedented
initiative of Governor Sila María Calderón. Its main
goal is to improve the quality of life of Puerto Ricans. With this
in mind, the PAP will install more than ninety pieces throughout the
island, taking art to everyday spaces, such as urban centers, coastal
areas, train stations, highways, and others.
As Executive Director of the Urbanism Directorate, a unit
of the Department of Transportation and Public Works, I am committed to projects
such as this one, which promote economic and social capital investment. These
projects foster the rehabilitation of public spaces that are the settings of
our everyday existence, and shape the lives of all Puerto Ricans.
I hope you enjoy surfing this portal: Public Art: Tangential Spaces.
to the competition
guidelines of the Puerto Rico Public Art Project, Architect Miguel
For ancient man it wasn't enough to satisfy his hunger and thirst,
nor to adapt his body to a cold and hostile environment. From the first
day of history, man needed to express himself artistically, to find
his place in a universe that he hardly understood, with the hope of
controlling it through an aesthetic spell. The first artistic expression
occurred in the intimate surroundings of the cave, where the most profound
fears and the most basic desires acquired form in a private ritual
performed by a human being with a desire to live and with an innate
feeling for pleasure and beauty.
The birth of civilization coincided
with the emergence of a creature that had learned to express his fears
through art. Back then, long before there were any cities, art was
already public in the first bonfires of history. It was born together
with language, or perhaps it surged ahead like a restless twin who
is the first to cry, while the other cried out at the wrong moment
in an echo of confusion and life.
Since then, people of all ages and
of all levels of intelligence, in rich nations and poor, drew near to art, in
their own manner and in their own time.
The millennium has not dissipated our
thirst for art. The confusion of humanity's first days has apparently not surrendered
to history. The assertions of civilization provoke more questions, some new,
others, not so new. As long as doubt exists, there will be art.
Millions of years
have changed our universe and our place in it. We no longer see or feel things
the same way. The acceleration of change in the 20th century transformed our
cities and our fields. The market came to stay and its influence has irreversibly
affected the way we make and understand art. We're no longer what we once were;
we too have changed. Where is our art headed? Where will it take us?
place, which once served as a point of reference to situate ourselves in the
universe, has become a confusing network where what is local and what is global
co-exist. Both spheres overlap in such a way that we often confuse them, without
much thought to restoring their essence. Can art exist as a new point of reference,
a hard or soft mark, permanent or ephemeral, clear or confusing, of our place
in the universe, of our relationship with it and with ourselves?
Let us examine
our surroundings and ourselves with the certainty of the native and the curiosity
of the visitor. Let us reconstruct our surrounding landscape with art. Let's
reinvent this landscape and reinvent art along with it. Let us look once again
at our environment, as it was originally and as it has been transformed. Let
us find beauty in the imaginary world and in the current hyper-reality of Puerto
Rico. Somewhere, between the fantastic and the factual, we exist.
Artist and spectator come and join the Puerto Rico Public Art Project.
Read the original
competition guidelines.
On-line Bibliography
Los recursos bibliográficos sobre arte público ya estan
disponibles. Estos se acceden desde cualquier página del portal
en el enlace Biblioteca, y allí "Bibliografia general del
Arte Público.
Hasta este momento contamos con 71 referencias. Si desean incluir algún
recurso adicional, por favor envíen la información a través
de el enlace "escríbanos" o a administrador@artepublico.puertorico.pr.
Por favor incluya los siguientes datos:
- Nombre del libro
- Autor
- Editor
- Fecha de edición
Categoría: ArtePúblico, CríticaArte,
Exposición, AntologíaArtistas, Novela, Multimedia,
Filosofía, Internet, Ficción, CríticaCultural,
Referencia, AntologíaCrítica, EnsayosMonográficos
y Otros.
- Comentarios acerca del libro.
Resumimos aquí algunos proyectos que ya han finalizado y están
documentados en el portal. Es interesante ver las diferentes fases de los mismos.
Como se fueron diseñando, conceptualizando y ejecutando. Pronto les avisamos
de otros.